3 Step Guide To Soaking Your Dentures In A Homemade Solution
If you have dentures and have run out of your soaking solution, you may wonder if there is a homemade alternative. If so, use the following three-step guide to soaking your dentures in a solution made with household ingredients.
Step 1: Prepare The Homemade Solution
This first step involves preparing the homemade soaking solution. For this, you will need white distilled vinegar and baking soda. The vinegar is slightly acidic, making it effective at removing food particles and bacteria.
Adding baking soda creates a foaming action to deliver the solution to all areas of the dental appliance. It also neutralizes odors, giving your dentures a fresh scent and feel.
To make the solution, You can either use your denture cup or a glass wide enough to accommodate your dentures.Pour in a quarter of a cup of vinegar, and set a tablespoon of baking soda next to the container. Do not put this ingredient in just yet, since the effervescent reaction will be needed after you add your dentures to the solution.
Once you have everything ready, go on to the next step.
Step 2: Brush Your Dentures Before Soaking Them
Before placing your dentures in the solution, brush them with a soft toothbrush. This removes any loose food that is stuck on the surface of the teeth.
Although you can do this while they are still in your mouth, you may want to remove them first so you can brush all areas of the dentures easily. Before you do so, lay a towel down on a flat surface, and brush them over it. If you accidentally drop them, this decreases the risk of them chipping or breaking.
Once you have brushed the dentures, go on to the next step.
Step 3: Soak Your Dentures
After removing any visible food, place your dentures in the cup containing the vinegar. Place them flat on the bottom so they do not fall or hit the sides of the container.
Pour the baking soda into the cup. You should see the solution start to foam up. After the initial reaction has subsided, soak your dentures for about a half an hour to an hour. Then, rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Using the above guide can help you keep your dentures clean when you do not have your usual cleaner available. If you have any concerns or questions, you may want to speak with your dentist who can give you further advice on how to care for them, as well as product recommendations.