3 Types Of Natural Supplements That Could Help Your Gums Stay Strong

Although gum recession is considered by experts to be not generally reversible, there's plenty you can do to keep your gums strong and healthy before you start to experience recession. Whether you've always had sensitive gums or whether you're starting to feel the signs of gingivitis, you might want to step up your game to keep things robust and healthy. Here are three natural supplements to help you with gum health.

1. CoQ10

This is found in nature in foods such as liver and beef and in vegetables such as broccoli. You produce it in your body as well, especially when you're young. But supplementation can sometimes be recommended as you age or when you're taking prescriptions that cut down on your body's production of this substance. Supplementing with this substance could help reduce or prevent some inflammation in your gums.

2. Vitamin C

You've probably heard of sailors in ancient times who had scurvy and lost their teeth from gum damage because they didn't have enough fruits and vegetables to eat. Scurvy is caused by a vitamin C deficiency, so that's one reason supplementing with vitamin C (and making sure you get plenty in your diet) can help your tooth and gum health. Vitamin C also has antioxidant properties, and it's critical to keeping your gums healthy because it plays a big role in forming connective tissues (called collagen) that your gums need to function well.

3. Bone health supplements

If your jawbone becomes less dense (either because of gum disease, because you don't have enough minerals in your body, or because you have an illness, such as celiac, that keeps you from absorbing minerals well), your gums will be more likely to recede. So keeping your bones healthy in general is another way to lessen your chances of gum problems. 

When choosing a supplement for bone health, look for minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc in the ingredients. It should also have vitamins D and K2, which help your body utilize these minerals effectively and transport them to the bones that need them. 

This isn't expert medical advice, so check with your doctor before starting any of these supplements to make sure they're appropriate doses for you and don't interact with any medications you're taking. And of course, no matter how many supplements you're taking, you'll need to have a healthy diet with plenty of chemical-free vegetables and, ideally, healthy grassfed meats to provide other trace minerals and vitamins. You'll also want to have regular checkups at a clinic like Professional Dental Center to keep your gums in the best condition possible. 
