Coffee, Tobacco, and Sugar Oh My: What These Are Doing To Your Oral Health

If you're someone that consumes coffee, tobacco, or sugar often, you may notice some changes in your oral health--or maybe you haven't begun to notice anything just yet. These are just a few things that can be harmful to your oral health. Even if you haven't noticed any differences yet with your teeth, there could be in the future. Read on for more information about what these three things can do to your oral health and how you can keep your teeth healthy. Read More 

Four Treatment Options That Will Help You Restore Your Smile

Dental problems are nothing to laugh at, especially when they affect your self-confidence. Stains, cracks and decay can all interfere with your daily life. If you're dealing with dental problems that are preventing you from feeling as confident about yourself as you should, you need to talk to a cosmetic dentist. There are treatment options available to repair the damage and restore the appearance of your teeth. Here are four treatment options for you to consider. Read More 

Points to Cover When You Discuss Tooth Extraction With Your Child

Dentists have to pull their patients' teeth on occasion for a number of reasons, and it's possible that your child will need to go through this procedure. Some children's baby teeth can be slow to fall out, which will require the dentist to extract a stubborn tooth to make way for the adult tooth that is quickly coming behind it. If your child's pediatric dentist has indicated that dental extractions are necessary and has had you book an appointment for this procedure, it's a good idea to talk to your child about this topic. Read More 

Is Grinding Your Teeth Prematurely Aging You?

Lots of people worry about how their teeth look, but many don't consider the impact teeth in poor shape can have on their overall appearance. Even if you don't flash a smile, if you're a regular tooth grinder, your teeth could be making you look older or heavier than you actually are. Read on to learn how this happens and what you can do to reverse the effects. What Happens When You Grind Your Teeth Read More 

Broken Baby Teeth: What Your Options Are

Toddlers fall down a lot; that is what they do as they learn to walk. However, they are also prone to smacking their little faces on hard surfaces in the process. That often leads to broken baby teeth, especially when the surfaces they hit are concrete, asphalt, store floors, or rocks. If your toddler has banged into something really hard face-first, and comes up with a wiggly tooth and a lot of blood, here are your options regarding what you can do and what your pediatric dentist will suggest. Read More