According to U.S. News, approximately 35% of adults did not see a dentist in 2019. Dental care is an important way to protect your teeth and gums. If you avoid the dentist's office or simply forget to prioritize your dental care, these tips can help you achieve better oral health with general dentistry.
1. Ask Your Dentist for Appointment Reminders
It's easy to let dental appointments slip your mind. If you often find yourself forgetting to schedule new dental appointments, you can ask your dentist to provide appointment reminders.
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Frequent dental cleanings improve oral health by preventing cavities and tooth loss. During a typical dental cleaning appointment, the dentist checks the teeth and gums for any underlying issues such as inflammation, infection, or tooth decay. Therefore, you can seek treatment early and prevent dental problems from worsening. However, besides improving one's oral health, dental cleaning also boosts oral aesthetics and self-confidence. Read on to find out how.
Removes Plaque and Tartar
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Bands, brackets, and wires that comprise a set of braces can be any color of the rainbow. Your orthodontist may use a color wheel to guide you in choosing a set of braces. Considerations about your personality and appearance should be taken. Additionally, you should contemplate how often your braces will be adjusted by your orthodontist.
Your Consultation
Your first consultation with your orthodontist may involve discussing the results of your dental exam.
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Periodontal disease must be taken seriously because it can lead to dangerous infections and bone loss if it is not treated. Your dentist can treat periodontal disease by cleaning the area around and below your gums, replacing damaged bone tissue, and providing patient education to prevent recurrences of gum disease. Here are four things you may experience when you visit your dentist for periodontal disease treatment:
1. Your dentist will clean away pockets of bacteria beneath your gums.
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The people featured in toothpaste adverts usually have white and perfectly aligned teeth, which leaves you wondering about their secret. The answer is quite simple; they probably take their oral health seriously and seek dental services when necessary. But unfortunately, not many people give much thought to their teeth.
Dentists have to deal with patients with various tooth problems caused by smoking, not brushing teeth regularly, eating sugary foods, and consulting a dentist.
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